Welcome to Purvanchal neer - Your Source for Pure, Refreshing Hydration

At Purvanchal neer, we're on a mission to bring you the purest, healthiest water possible. We believe that clean, purified water is the cornerstone of a vibrant and energetic life.

Why Choose Purvanchal Neer?

Our manufacturing processes align with the best international safety and hygiene standards.

Ultra-Modern Infrastructure


Utilisation of the Latest Bottling Techniques

Minimal Human Intervention

Zero Contamination

Our Journey Towards Purity and Health

PurvanchalNeer began as a humble initiative with a grand vision: to offer everyone access to the purest, healthiest water available. Founded by a team of passionate water enthusiasts, we embarked on a mission to change lives for the better.


250 ML Packaged Drinking Water

500 ML Packaged Drinking Water

1000 ML Packaged Drinking Water

2000 ML Packaged Drinking Water

18 +
Years of Experience
40 +
500 +
600 +

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